»Training the Archive« (2020-2023) has ended. We say THANK YOU!
As the project comes to an end in 2023, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people and institutions involved!

Book on »Training the Archive« to be published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther & Franz König
With new texts by Hannes Bajohr, Mél Hogan, Moritz Ibing et al., and Giulia Taurino as well as all transcripts of the video interviews and materials from the project. Designed by Off Office, Munich.

Our software »The Curator‘s Machine« has been released for free download
A software has been developed that assists curators in searching their own collections faster and more conveniently and that enables personalization of search results via AI-supported human-machine interaction.

Working Paper #7 published in English and German
The seventh Working Paper in the series on the research project has been published by Dominik Bönisch (Ludwig Forum) and Francis Hunger (HMKV) on the topic »‘From Keras Import Curating’ – An Empirical Study on the Application of Curatorial Practice to Machine Learning Models« and is available for free download.